I shouldn’t pat myself on the back or toot my own horn. In this case I must applaud loudly the contributions of both Alex Dx and Chiko. Chiko the producer is twenty-two years old and blew my mind with his usage of the stems provided from my demo. I’m almost flabbergasted and stoked at the same time.
I asked Alex Dx if he wanted to write the lyrics based on the pre-requisite stories I’ve enclosed on this blog. He came up with lyrics which thank Christ for dying on the cross and saving us from cancer and Covid. Ironically that is what I should have been focusing on but instead I wanted to write a song of derision dedicated to my dysfunctional family. Throughout my career writing non-secular lyrics quasi Christian. I learned a long time ago Jesus hates when I write angry music.
I have no idea what I will record next month however I need to purchase at least one new instrument for the studio. Please give me to the end of October to come back with a new track. Enjoy what’s enclosed here in the meantime.