A Funky Beat

To finish out the summer session here is a funky beat. Originally inspired by Bow Wow Wow‘s, Work. At the last minute I decided to use a James Brown drum track. The former has nothing to do with 60’s black dance music. See how God works? This short beat will be sent to Chellas Studios for their remix coming next month. Alex Dx may write the lyrics. The tentative title was “No sympathy for the devil.” I told him not to worry about that song title. It could be intimidating for small children. The theme all summer has been “good versus evil.” Alex Dx has been a blessing since he is a good-Christian brother I don’t have to worry about writing lyrics.

I promised myself and you, I would record once a month. I don’t know what’s around the corner. I predict piccolo acoustic guitar music because I am going to be without a xylophone for a while. We are done with the 60’s for now. Take care, thanks for listening.

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